Hollywood Glam – Sparkle and Mirrors

Add some drama:  Today,  three photos – one chest!

point and shoot

Here I am at work shooting a mirrored chest . . .

To continue the exploration of, and the implementation of the popular Hollywood Regency Revival style, this week I roamed through the store with my camera.

 Over the next few weeks I will show effective ways to add drama with a few simple, but utterly beautiful, accessories we have on our floor.



 The reflective panache of this  chest screams Hollywood!

Use it in a foyer, in a dining room or a bedroom. 

This is the one.

Place this piece wherever you want a flash of serendipity.


 Even though it looks rather plain-Jane, I wanted to include the manufacturer’s photo below.  The entire piece can be seen without our added Hollywood embellishments.



Next week I’ll reveal some design secrets concerning what can be done without color – i.e. black and white art. This is at the very heart of glamorous interiors.

If you have been struggling with how to accessorize, especially using a “no color palette”  please drop me a note with your dilemma.  


Dianne Ross

Interior Designer/Phelan’s Interiors





MY FUNNY (interior design)VALENTINE


 Today’s blog is simply about putting a smile on my (your?) face.

These playful images and ideas are oozing with creativity. With their lightheartedness, I think they are perfect for Valentine’s Day!


 These lips come to us from a U.K. company called dnaart.com. Check it out!




 The smashing implementation of detail in this photo knocked me out. Other equally outrageous photos like this can be seen at  deviantart.com or click on majorlycool.com. Both are inspirational.



 Can’t help myself with this photo – I LOVE cake!

And it made me smile. Interestingly, the woman who made it is named “Valentine”, Diann Valentine.  More of her lavish creations can be seen at weddingsvalentinestyle.com. Yummm.



My last valentine image for the day is just plain silly and I hope it makes you giggle! It is a vintage valentine card for sale on eBay.


So, there you have it –  some whimsical, don’t take life too seriously, design ideas for Valentine’s day!

Enjoy the romantic weekend with those you love.


If you can’t think of anyone to share it with,  then uh, uh – then paint your bathroom red and consider taking a communications class.




Dianne Ross

Interior Designer/Phelan’s Interiors


The Glitzy-Glam Tannenbaum (i.e. Christmas tree)


                               O Tannenbaum O Tannenbaum

The history of our Christmas tree is long and murky. The first worshipped trees were of pagan origins and celebrations. But then, somewhere around the 1600’s came the tannenbaum. Germany gave us the lovely, candle-illuminated, first  Christmas tree.

O Tannenbaum!

Today in most schools the words have been changed again – going back to a more pagan nomenclature – they are now referred to as holiday trees. Seriously?

 Throughout wars and times of peace the holiday (i.e. Christmas) tree has transformed, morphed, progressed, and regressed.

In the 1930’s trees became large and real again. Balls, bells, tinsel, mercury glass, crystal – anything that glistened  – was done en masse. Over the top didn’t exist.

When the 50’s and 60’s introduced us to “less is more”, decorators could not, would not give up the glitz and the bling, no matter how sophisticated and modern they attempted to be. Solution? Make the whole tree out of blinding bright, silver color, aluminum! Now, that had some razz-ma-tazz! And everybody could save face by labeling it as minimalistic.

Today holiday (i.e. Christmas) trees of every creative style abound. Last week I saw Hollywood-Glam trees advertised and they are PINK!  Trees with a theme are apparently going to be with us for a while: Snow Queen trees, Mickey Mouse trees, Victorian trees, Fishing Lure trees, Pokemon trees, Feather trees, etc.

Well, whatever they are called, whatever they are made from, whatever hangs on their boughs, they are one of the best ornaments ever invented! Aromatic fresh or long term fake makes no difference to me. . . You might remember I am the one who loves everything about Christmas? ESPECIALLY if it’s shiny?!

If you scroll to the end there is another photo of a grandchild under an enormous  holiday (i.e. Christmas) tree with me . . . it was taken last year in the lobby of a Texas hotel, as we celebrated my birthday.  

O tannenbaum!




Merry Christmas Everyone

Dianne Ross

Interior Designer/Phelan’s Interiors
